Bellaria Flipper’s gonna Flip

In a recent study I did of homes that were purchased and then listed soon after, i.e. looking for flippers I happened to come across this listing of a property in the Bellaria so called gated community. The home was purchased back in 2018 for approximately $600,000. Apparently a lot was invested in it for amenities such as a pool, and lots of lipstick and rouge on the insides. No matter what you do, a stick built house by a major developer is nothing near what a custom home is, which is why I was so surprised to see it listed at over 1 Million Dollars! You can see for yourself here.

6135 Pebble Glen Court

If one recalls the fiasco that the developer created in building a so called gated community right next to a horse ranch property, it makes one wonder if the so called Real Estate Agents are properly disclosing to potential buyers what they are buying next to! I guess not talking about it but showing a quick view in their video is enough to get them off the hook.

SALES VIDEO OF 6135 Pebble Glen Court Watch for the AERIAL VIEWS!

One thing that should be disclosed and probably isn’t is the drainage the developer got away with right on the other side of the owners wall on the owners property. If that ever fails it could be catastrophic. The history of that craziness is well documented both on this blog and others, as well as County and City records. Let’s hope they used real cement in that wall!

It’s also interesting to see that this property was listed prior at a lower price and then de-listed only now to be re-listed at an even higher price? I wonder what changed? I guess hope that there is a sucker born every minute. Only this time, with the recent downturn in economy, scare of the Corona Virus (NOT THE BEER) and who knows what else, it’s going to be tough to turn up another sucker. There is one thing that can be learned here folks, flipping is a risk, be ready to live in your house a long time, possibly in self isolation.

Oh, and remember warsh your darn hands and don’t touch your noggin.


Boulder Shoulders the cheap way out!

As the news article describes, neighbors are highly upset at the safety concern over boulders dumped on the side of the new Belaria development as a cheap way to finish the easements!

News 3 Story on concerns of neighbors due to the boulders.

A statement by the City exclaims that it is a way of dealing with erosion concerns. However, after carefully scouting out other parts of the neighborhood and especially other developments by the same developer D.R. Horton, Inc., I have found no evidence that this has been used in the past. This is another first at a cheap attempt to avoid proper development in the RNP.

As you walk by, it may be in your best interest to pick up a boulder or two and toss it over their wall, that’ll sure put the pig meat into the fire!


October Winds blow down Bellaria Fence

The screaming October winds have arrived, a bit early but to no surprise stronger and earlier than usual. They took their toll on the high quality construction of the D.R. Horton Bellaria Project blowing down the iron fence and ripping pieces of the block wall apart. If the winds can do this to the walls it will be interesting to see by gosh what will happen to the homes after several years of beating.


I never ceases to amaze me how much people will spend for crappy and dangerous construction. Good Luck!


The Screaming Lady at 5AM!

A neighbor recently wrote:

When the police come to your home before 6AM because your new neighbors (thanks DR Horton) hear a girl screaming for help in your backyard. Heeelllllppp! Heeeeellllllppp! Only she wasn’t screaming for help, just breakfast and she’s a goat! Oh my Lordy! Scared the tar out of me thinking it was a kid that slept walked and got locked out. Or worse maybe an actual lady in my backyard. I was so asleep, it took me a min. My husband feeds before he leaves for work about 5:30. At first I thought they were going to come tell me something bad about my husband being in an accident. In my head I’m taking role call. Nope…….none of that, just a hungry goat. Welcome to the RNP neighbor! Hehe oh and she’ll do it tomorrow, and the next day and the next day and the day after that! The police officers were busting a gut and one was like frikkin goats. It’s the goats every time! Haha they were laughing so hard. I told them to stay safe and glad this call was a good one!

Well that’s the first but it won’t be the last. Apparently these new neighbors have no clue where they are living. Apparently the developer D.R. Horton either provided them with the disclosure they were supposed to in the smallest print possible, or they did not inform them at all. How many times will the Police be called before someone gets hurt, or they just start ignoring the area. My question is, what are they going to do when the dust settles!


It’s going to be a hoot and a holler…


Just under a half inch of rain!

In this video posted by one of the neighbors, it shows what can happen to the ground when the storms arrive. Just a half inch washes away the future driveway of this new home being built as well as the ground adjoining the roadway and almost undermining the block wall. Can you image several inches! Whoever purchases these homes better be well prepared!


Now where did I put that darn slicker and much boots!!


Amphibious Vehicle Required!

Well after a series of scorching weeks, record breaking temperatures cooking the West, finally the Monsoon and it’s prevailing rains have arrived to drench the RNP, not quite on schedule and certainly not as strong as usual but enough to cause the rivers to flow.


Unfortunately, for the future owners of this lot in the D. R. Horton Bellaria Development, their driveway will lead into a raging river of water trapping them in their home until it subside, or until they decide to brave the rapids which could lead to serious problems. The irony of it all is that the flood waters coming down this road were created many years ago by a development uphill of which we won’t mention the builder’s name but I’m sure you can guess. They somehow convinced the engineers and County Commissioners of the time, of which many went to prison that dumping the whole devlopment’s water down this road was a good idea! Now guess where the water ended up! Payback’s are a hoot!! You reap what you sow.

So if your thinking of purchasing a new home in this development…


I would certainly think twice about it! What’s concerning is not the raging waters down the road but the wet block wall  showing the inside of the development is soaked? Wonder what it looks like inside??? You know what they say.. Buyer beware!

In case you would like to see what the waters can do here in the Northwest part of the valley you can see some other video’s people have posted on YouTube Here.

Time to go put some more resin on the leather..

Enjoy the rains while they last..


The Howling April Winds of 2017

The horrible winds began on March 31’st beginning a cycle of high wind warnings throughout the Valley. The damage caused by the storm was amazing to see and I have not see this much damage by wind in quite some time. Here is a good article with footage and photos of the wind. Powerful Wind Storm Rips Through Las Vegas.

Throughout the month of April these winds came and went without too much trouble here in the RNP other than the debris from the construction sites, blowing styrofoam panels along with other construction junk. This is why I was surprised when a neighbor sent me this photo of a portion of the wall of the current D.R. Horton Bellaria development that had toppled due to the strong gusts. I can only imagine what would have happened if the flood waters we receive in the area were combined with the wind!

Hold on to your hats! Let’s hope May shows us some mercy.



Welcome to Lake Bellaria

Welcome to the wet weather of February. It’s nice to see the rain but this has been an extraordinary few months to start the year. The river of water coming off the Pacific Coast has inundated California and of course has brought huge volumes of water into our area. Those of us that have been here for a while know this can happen and are prepared for the consequences. Those that are new may be in for some surprises.

I’m not sure who designed the new DR Horton developments here in the RNP but whoever did may want to go back to school and learn about drainage. Also, the site crews and foreman need to go back and learn about site preparation. In their unusual haste to throw homes together as fast as possible, they may have neglected to restore the roadways and keep their sites safe. Is that even possible? On the Southmost parcel as I drove by today I noticed the river of water that was rushing down the street made an abrupt right turn and started to fill the development. Welcome to Lake Bellaria!


As I looked North across the street I noticed that the river of water on that side of the road was tearing up what looks like will be the future driveways of some home sites. Wow, will the people be able to get home on stormy days? I wonder what the plan is, as a river does run through it!


In the above photo it looks like their site drainage runs out against the block wall and will add to the problem!


The icing on the cake is if you go to their sales website, the photo of the homes is nowhere near the area where this development is?? Wow, it’s like the tv commercials for hamburgers that look so juicy and when you go down and buy one, they are smaller and all dry and you fill gipped. Go see for yourself by CLICKING HERE.

I truly hope any future purchaser of these properties is fully informed about what they are getting themselves into. What do you think the prices will be? Whatever they are, they are probably escalated due to being lake front property.

Welcome all newcomers to Lake Bellaria!



Uphill side, Downhill blues

A neighbor sent me some photos’s that they received from other neighbors that are up against  the East side (downward side) of the new D.R. Horton Bellaria development. This amazing photo shows something that all new home buyers should keep in mind. NEVER EVER Purchase a property on the uphill side of a development that is located on a downhill slope. When the property above you gets developed, and it will, you will be very very sorry!


It is very unfortunate that the City has allowed this developer to raise their grade so high as to impact the neighbors in such a way, however this has been happening now for some time. Here are some rules to follow when purchasing a home:

  1. Never ever pay extra for a VIEW LOT. This is a scam unless you live on 40 acres the properties next to you will soon be developed and your view will be your neigbors wall!
  2. If your a fool and decide to purchase one of the 3/4 Million dollar homes in one of these new fancy gated communities in the RNP, make sure to never ever even consider a home on the uphill side, otherwise you will be in the same boat as the situation in the photo!
  3. Make sure to ask if there is livestock in the area. A lot of these developers promise to disclose this to new homebuyers but they never do! A lot of these new developments are next to older rural propeties with horses, goats, chickens, geese, pigs and so on, you will endure noises, smells, dust, dirt and everything else. Believe me the burden is on you as you will be surrounded by this in the RNP.


On a last thought, if you even thinking of purchasing a new home in this new so called Bellaria development, and it happens to be one of the ones that are uphill, and adjacent to the ranch next door, pray hard that the rancher doesn’t get mad and sell out to a developer! If he does, well there goes your so called view property!

I hope if your a buyer considering a property in the RNP, that you have read this blog and all the other posts. As they say here in the west “There are three kinds of people in this world: The ones that learn by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence.”

I hope your not one on the fence!
