Welcome to Lake Bellaria

Welcome to the wet weather of February. It’s nice to see the rain but this has been an extraordinary few months to start the year. The river of water coming off the Pacific Coast has inundated California and of course has brought huge volumes of water into our area. Those of us that have been here for a while know this can happen and are prepared for the consequences. Those that are new may be in for some surprises.

I’m not sure who designed the new DR Horton developments here in the RNP but whoever did may want to go back to school and learn about drainage. Also, the site crews and foreman need to go back and learn about site preparation. In their unusual haste to throw homes together as fast as possible, they may have neglected to restore the roadways and keep their sites safe. Is that even possible? On the Southmost parcel as I drove by today I noticed the river of water that was rushing down the street made an abrupt right turn and started to fill the development. Welcome to Lake Bellaria!


As I looked North across the street I noticed that the river of water on that side of the road was tearing up what looks like will be the future driveways of some home sites. Wow, will the people be able to get home on stormy days? I wonder what the plan is, as a river does run through it!


In the above photo it looks like their site drainage runs out against the block wall and will add to the problem!


The icing on the cake is if you go to their sales website, the photo of the homes is nowhere near the area where this development is?? Wow, it’s like the tv commercials for hamburgers that look so juicy and when you go down and buy one, they are smaller and all dry and you fill gipped. Go see for yourself by CLICKING HERE.

I truly hope any future purchaser of these properties is fully informed about what they are getting themselves into. What do you think the prices will be? Whatever they are, they are probably escalated due to being lake front property.

Welcome all newcomers to Lake Bellaria!



One thought on “Welcome to Lake Bellaria

  1. This developer, DR Horton, has proven time and time again to be focused on only high profits at the cost of quality. When I get into office (city of Las Vegas Ward 6) I will do everything in my power to prevent them from further developing in the valley.
    Rest assured that any large donations from DR Horton liaisons to my husband Steve Ross, past or present, will have no influence on how I deal with this large corporate cookie cutter home developer.


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