More than 1,200 property owners protest Las Vegas annexation plan!

Well it looks as if the City of Las Vegas has awaken a giant this time. More people than ever have turned out to protest their annexation of rural type properties, and it seems that that us enough of group to stop the City for at least a year since it seems they represented the majority of the valuation of the entire 872 Acres! But it gets better, they plan on passing legislation in 2019 to protect these areas and stop any future attempts by greedy cities to annex properties that want to remain rural. Here is a good article in the review Journal describing what occured: More than 1,200 property owners protest Las Vegas annexation plan

Now, that being all fine and good, it would be wise if the majority of us in the Northwest RPN help these people in 2019 to pass some solid legislation to protect these properties from ever becoming City lots. It can be done, it takes organization and Money so as they say around the ol Saloon, it’s time to pass the hat.


Attempt to rezone RE to R1 in RNP!

Keeping an eye out for Developers and Councilman Ross!

Here we go again folks, there is never a time to relax! Here we have a developer who has annexed his land into the City of Las Vegas and is requesting them to ammend their general plan and rezone the land from RE to R1 high density housing! This is in the RNP area and is next to homes all around it that are 1 per 1/2 acre! What happened to the City’s Promise about keeping land zoning the same. Will they keep their word? Here are their own words from The official blog site of the City of Las Vegas, Nevada Government. Learn more at

Read it especially this part:

Will my zoning change?

The annexation will bring each property in with a city equivalent zoning and any current land use entitlements will also be accepted by the city. This includes accessory structures (sheds, garages, casitas, etc.) and current setbacks of structures.

They have always promised to keep the zoning the same but the attacks never cease.

UPDATE: On Feb 1st, 2016 at the City of Las Vegas Recommending Committee meeting, this property was up for annexation at the request of the owner. A neighbor attended this meeting intent on trying to find out if the zoning would change. Here is the link to the agenda item.

Here is a link to the audio recording of the 1st 12 minutes of the meeting:




Here is the developers and his so called justification!

Don’t you just love these guys? Land Baron Investments! They don’t give a hoot what happens to your way of living or property values, all they care about is their increase in profits!Re2R1

This will be heard next Tuesday the 12th of July, 2016 at the Planning Commission meeting. Here are all the docs on the agenda item.

Yes folks R1. This may only be a half mile to a mile away but it will affect you! Get involved.

Kickin the trail..


County passes ordinance to de-annex!

Keeping an eye out for people this local Bobcat is on the prowl!

The County of Clark has passed an ordinance using it’s Home Rule powers to deal with the unacceptable annexations of properties throughout the County but especially in the Rural Neighborhood Preservation area.

Here is a story in the local newspaper covering it.

The ordinance was voted on unanimously and after a lengthy hearing by the Citizens that have been adversely affected by the City’s annexations.

The full text of the ordinance can be read here.

Let’s hope this keeps the damn City out of our Henhouses and in their own yards! The wolves are always at the door, or in this case the sly foxes!



Welcome to Monsoon!

Most stared in disbelief as a boxspring and mattress rushed by in the deluge of water that was dumped onto the NW RNP area this weekend.

Mattress and Boxspring from uphill washed away in the flood waters.

All I can say to all the new homeowners in their HOA’s is welcome to Monsoon! It vary’s from year to year but I have a hinckering that this year is going to be a bad one. If the record breaking heatwave is any indication of what’s to come when the monsoonal flows from the Gulf start pumping moisture up and into the valley, watch out! Scenes like the following will be common. Rather than post photo’s of the damage, here are some links to news coverage which have a lot more photo’s and information.

July 2nd Storm Article

June 30th’ Storm Article

All I can say is if this keeps up, we may have the 100 year event, and if that happens watch out! If you live in any home that has a basement, I would get the sandbags ready right now!

Stay high and dry, avoid the torrents or the term City Slicker will have ya a new meaning!


Rural Street Study for RNP your input requested!

The county is requesting all RNP neighbors to please submit their input in a study to set a standard for future streets in the RNP Area. Sandy Lopez has a good article about this in the Northwest View Here.

It is important to set these standards but most important is to set standards for the builders like D.R. Horton so they know that we don’t want or need their stinking gated community concept in a rural area and we will fight tooth and nail to keep them out.

In any case the article is worth a read and here is where you can submit your comments on the streets:

Please take the time to voice your opinion as a residents. Future Residents, Builders and Rebel Rousers need not apply…
Another Nasty Windy day in the RNP..


City of Las Vegas has a Rural Preservation Overlay!

The actions of City of Las Vegas leaders never ceases to boggle the mind. The City does indeed have and publishes a map of what they call the RPO (Rural Preservation Overlay). You can get a copy right here: Rural Preservation Overlay.

Doesn’t seeing that just dill your pickle?

So why is it when City annexes land that is already designated Rural Preservation in Clark County don’t they follow the Rural designation and add it to their RPO map and keep it Rural? Do they not understand that lots of people have invested their whole lives in their major investment of a home in the area because of it’s Rural Character? Why do they instead annex it and let builders put in ridiculous mini-communities without any transition buffers whatsoever right up against these already established rural properties?

People in the area need to designate several neighbors of the week to go down to each and every Recommedation meeting the City of Las Vegas have, and demand on public record that these Rural designations be kept, wether in the City or not!

Please contact Mr. Perrigo by email and Councilman Steve Ross who is in charge of this ward and ask them bluntly why they don’t. It would be interesting to hear what they have to say!!

Please see the Nevada Law, Specifically NRS 278.250 # 2(m) which reads: To ensure the protection of existing neighborhoods and communities, including the protection of rural preservation neighborhoods and, in counties whose population is 700,000 or more, the protection of historic neighborhoods.


Large turnout for RNP Community Meeting!

Reports are in that the Community Meeting at the Mountain Crest Community Center had one of the largest turnouts in some time. This meeting was hosted by Commissioner Larry Brown as well as staffers. Topics discussed where the future full street improvements for the busy and heavily used roads such as Ann, Lone Mountain and Ft. Apache.

Also discussed was the proposed setting of an rural street standard, which is currently just a v ditch on each side of the road.

The final and most important topic discussed was City Annexations of land in the RNP and boy did that start the crowd going. I was told that one person stood up and stated “If you don’t like the rural look and feel of the area, then why are you moving here!”. It was heated and the heat is now on Larry Brown and the Clark County Attorney’s to do something to stop these ridiculous actions the CIty is doing soley to score more tax revenue. I think they have a plan, whch hopefully will soon unfold.

On another note, if you want to help, please support Marilyn Kirkpatrick for County Commission. She is running against the City Councilman Steve Ross who now wants a County Job!? Hmm, I wonder why, since he is the one behind most of the annexations. It’s my personal opinion that Councilman Ross if elected County Commissioner will be as useful as a pogo stick in quicksand.

Please don’t take my word for it, just look at the minutes of each and every recommendation meeting online at the City Website. Help support Marilyn by getting a yard sign.


Neighborhood gets another small win!

Thanks to a wonderful presentation by one of the neighbors in front of the City Planning Commission last night, the neighborhood scored another nice victory regarding the D.R. Horton Development between Alpine Ridge and Michelli Crest.

All waivers were passed, most unanimously. This means NO streetlights, curb, gutter or sidewalk in the entire 25 acre project! Presented were 135 signatures both via an online petition as well as with pen and paper, and I assure you this went a long way to help secure this victory.

There are 1 or 2 small issues to add to the list, but the big ones were won last night. Also, this still needs to be approved by the Las Vegas City Council on Wednesday May 18th. That meeting is during the day but hopefully same neighbor and others in the community will participate.

As you can see, when we band together for a common cause we CAN make a big difference. Although all these meetings are a big hassle, this is OUR community and we must fight for our little slice of the pie. Collectively we make a much bigger difference than as individuals!

Remember that even though an issue may not be directly in your back yard it’s very important to be involved and fight for others. It’s only a matter of time before it does arrive in your back yard, and you will want the support of others. Support them and they will support you – that’s how it works.

Nice job neighbors!


Stormy Skies for the NorthWest RNP

A neighbor in the area has sent me links to some amazing footage of the amount of water that can hit the NorthWest RNP area suddenly and the damage that it can cause. Luckily most of the people who have lived here are used to this phenomenom and because of the size of their properties and the fact that there is little paving and lower density some water is absorbed, the remainder slowed down by natural terrain.
Any fool knows that development tends to increase water due to removal of the natural land, more rooftops, more asphalt etc. as well as speeding up the flow of the runoff over this type of construction as opposed to natual terrain.

The City of las vegas and Developers maintain that this does not occur because the County has finished their flood control projects above the basin. Here is video evidence that proves otherwise!

Storm of 4/9/16 Street Flooding and road damage 1.

Storm of 4/9/16 Street Flooding and road damage 2.

There are quite a few videos and you can find them all here: 4/9/16 Storm NW RNP Videos.

It’s interesting to note that after annexing a parcel the City would normally be responsible to repair the damages caused by such storms, yet they have very little capabilities to do so in comparison to Clark County. In a few weeks there will be road graders and crews out here from the County repairing these roads where most of the tools the City has at it’s disposal are Street Sweepers. That’s because the City expects to only maintain an URBAN environment and we the People of the area want to keep our area Rural. Thus the responsibility of repairing these type of damages in the ROW (Right of Way) when a parcel in annexed into the City of Las Vegas falls onto the HOA of the development. Yes the Homeowners through their HOA will need to fix their own Gated Communities Entrances and road damage at their own cost! Like we’ve been saying now for some time, people need to read the fine print. BUYER BEWARE!
